Make deal with time an ocean of enjoyable to your cat whenever you give her Purina Friskies Get together Combine Beachside Crunch grownup cat treats. Actual ocean whitefish is the number one ingredient on this mouthwatering recipe, and each chew delivers shrimp, crab and tuna flavors for the irresistible seafood style cats love. Every serving encompasses a crunchy, satisfying texture that additionally helps hold her enamel clear. She will get the snacking expertise she loves, and also you get the happiness that comes from watching her playfully bat round every bit along with her paws earlier than she eats each morsel. These grownup cat treats embrace interesting shapes that seize her consideration, making snack time as thrilling as it’s scrumptious. Give your cat a motive to purr when she sees you attain for a bundle of those Purina Friskies Get together Combine treats, and present her simply how a lot you’re keen on spending playful moments along with her. Give your cat a tasty deal with that delivers each time whenever you order Purina Friskies Get together Combine Beachside Crunch grownup cat treats.
Product Dimensions : 3 x 8 x 10.15 inches; 1.25 Kilos
Merchandise mannequin quantity : 00050000544608
Date First Obtainable : April 1, 2021
Producer : Nestle Purina Pet
Nation of Origin : USA
Friskies treats that includes actual ocean whitefish as the number one ingredient with shrimp, crab and tuna flavors
Friskies treats for cats providing a satisfying crunch in each chew that helps hold your cat’s enamel clear
Friskies treats in playful shapes so as to add to the enjoyable of snack time
Scrumptious style cats love delivering below 2 energy per deal with, making them splendid between-meal cat snacks
Purina Friskies Get together Combine Beachside Crunch grownup treats for cats are crafted in Purina-owned U.S. amenities and backed by Purina’s greater than 90 years of innovation
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