Complete Life Pet Simply One Hen Cat Treats are the final word answer for discerning felines, significantly these with choosy consuming habits or delicate stomachs. These freeze dried cat treats are crafted from 100% human-grade rooster, making certain that your pet receives solely the standard diet. With no preservatives, fillers, or synthetic components, these treats stand out as a wholesome alternative in your cat, making them an excellent dry cat treats that help general well being and wellness. Every small batch of treats undergoes rigorous high quality management and impartial lab testing for dangerous organisms, guaranteeing security and peace of thoughts for pet house owners. Proudly sourced and produced within the USA, these treats are freeze-dried to lock in important vitamins and flavors, making them a unbelievable choice for freeze dried pet treats that your cat will love. Moreover, these versatile treats can be utilized as scrumptious cat toppers to reinforce your cat’s meals, offering a nutritious increase that makes each feeding time particular. Whether or not your cat is an indoor explorer or an outside adventurer, these wholesome treats function an excellent basis for a balanced food regimen, making certain they thrive and luxuriate in each chew. With Complete Life Pet Simply One Hen Cat Treats, you possibly can confidently deal with your feline companion to a snack that’s each tasty and nutritious.
Product Dimensions : 3.5 x 6.5 x 9 inches; 9 ounces
Merchandise mannequin quantity : Simply One Hen Cat
Date First Obtainable : January 24, 2020
Producer : Complete Life Pet Merchandise
ASIN : B0846LN5T9
Nation of Origin : USA
FREEZE-DRIED FELINE FAVORITE: Indulge your kitty with our freeze dried treats for cats! Complete Life Pet’s single ingredient cat treats protect the pure style of rooster, providing a pure, healthful deal with with none pointless components or fillers.
PROTEIN-PACKED CAT SNACKS: Energize your cat’s day with our protein-rich freeze dried rooster cat treats! These rooster morsels help muscle well being and supply the proper increase in your feline’s adventures, from window-watching to toy-chasing.
GENTLE ON SENSITIVE TUMMIES: Our pure cat treats are a purr-fect alternative for cats with meals sensitivities. These allergen-free, freeze dried pet treats supply a secure and scrumptious snack choice that even essentially the most specific kitties will love.
HUMAN-GRADE DRY CAT TREATS: Spoil your fur child with Complete Life Pet’s human-grade freeze dried pet treats. Crafted with the identical care as human meals, these freeze dried cat treats guarantee your feline buddy enjoys solely the very best quality snacks.
USA-MADE CAT FOOD TOPPER: Elevate mealtime with our yummy freeze dried rooster treats! Use these rooster cats treats as cat meals toppers so as to add taste and diet to meals or function standalone cat snacks. Made within the US for high quality you possibly can belief.
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